Zombie Musik

Thursday, June 23

more minis of Heroclix for the cause XD!

Here are some figures I got lots very economical and I to modify to make zombies and survivors heroes

This figure is missing his arm and is a candidate to be a zombie

Sunday, June 19

Survivors Truck

Esta es mi Camion de sobrevivientes, está desgastado por los combates callejeros pero es una buena opción para los asaltos a lugares infectados por hordas de zombies infranqueables, incluso puede ser un vehiculo de rescate para sobrevivientes en peligro, manejado por un experto , tiene en la caja trasera varias reformas que se puede disparar o sacar el cañon del arma por las ranuras, utilizandolas para alejar los aglomeramientos de monstruos.

This is my truck survivors, is worn by the street fighting but a good choice for assaults infected places impassable by hordes of zombies, or even be a vehicle rescue endangered survivors, driven by an expert, has in backbox several reforms that can shoot or get the barrel through the slots, the pellets used to ward off monsters.